Monday, December 1, 2008

As I wait

As I wait for you,
while you're not in my life;
may my heart and body be pure,
until I'm your wife.
May my mind be discerning,
of who I let in;
only viewing as brothers,
men who are friends.

As I wait for you,
keep my eyes on the cross;
forgetting my past,
and embracing the cost-
that I must pay in my singleness,
when I stand firm;
for it's not the world or her lies,
but Christ and my husband I serve.
It can be a tough choice,
when surrounded by glamour;
Hollywood's fairy tales-
though illusions, they pamper
my imagination and longings,
created for good;
but spoiled on bad,
when they're misunderstood.

As I wait for you,
I turn off the TV;
throw out magazines,
that cleverly deceive.
They tell me that love
is something I can find,
in any smart, athletic,
rich, good-looking guy.
"Do what you have to
to make him look your way;"
"Follow these 5 steps,"
the articles all say.
Well I put all this behind me,
to pursue a love that's true;
that is patient and is kind,
that's what I want to offer you.
It does not envy, does not boast;
it is not proud, it is not rude;
this is the love one day, my dear,
I want to offer you.
It is not self-serving-
does not put itself first;
is not easily angered,
does not bring out the worst.
It is quick to forgive,
keeps no record of wrongs,
does not delight in evil,
but for truth it always longs.
It protects and always trusts,
it hopes and perseveres;
it doesn't push away,
but welcomes others near.
A love that never fails,
commitment not subdued;
This love one day, beloved,
I want to give to you.

So as I wait for you,
I will guard the door;
that opens to my heart and soul,
sacred for you only to adore.
And I will put in practice
dying to myself,
so that I may serve you better-
with your patience and God's help.
I'm eager to encourage you,
and labor by your side;
so as I wait for you,
I'll practice dying to my pride.
I cannot wait to love you,
with everything I am;
cannot wait to touch you,
can't wait to hold your hand.
I'm excited to empower you,
give you courage to embrace
the strong man I know you are,
conquering all God allows to fill our plate.

As I wait for you, my love,
I want you to know:
God's developing a love for you,
that with age will only grow.
I know we'll face our trials,
fight against the storms of life;
but for better or worse,
I'm glad I'll be yours-
your future wife.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

beautiful... and true... he's out there! God's preparing him...

love you and praying for you