Monday, September 8, 2008


Better to be guarded
than to give yourself away,
vulnerability is alluring
but she takes protection's place.
Sometimes she will soften you,
bring others to her arms;
but sometimes she will rob you-
til you're exposed and left unarmed.

I want to open up-
but will you find me captivating?
What if it's too much,
and instead you're left debating...
wondering if you really want me,
intrigued by this heart's depth;
or if you cannot handle it
and you have nothing left.

She's screaming deep within me
saying, "please just take my hand."
But who can take that on?
It requires quite a man.
But nothing hurts me worse
then when she's left out on the street;
feeling like she's not enough,
sinking in defeat.
Some tell her that she's worth it,
don't let this bring you down-
but why would she try to swim again,
when all she does is drown?
There's something that is gentle
and soothing in her voice,
but then she lets
the wrong ones in-
is it naivety or choice?

I want so bad to trust her,
but she always trips me up;
makes me so distracted,
feel I never measure up.
Her love affair with attention
is poison to my bones;
a fatal kind of attraction
that makes me feel alone.

So maybe I'll just lock her up,
throw away the key.
I'll miss her, and I'll mourn her
but then I'll be set free.
Free from the rejection,
and disappointment she attracts;
I'll lose all my emotion,
but logic I'll gain back.
Excitement fades away
but hurt will no longer visit;
an armor granting safety
of a heart once on exhibit

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